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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Charlie Chaplin in: One A.M

Charlie Chaplin in this film  for the first time to starred in alone

Charlie after a long night at the town, he becomes a drunk , Charlie reach his house and unable to find his key and has  a confrontation with the house itself.

Director:Charlie Chaplin

Writer:Charlie Chaplin

Stars:Charlie Chaplin and Albert Austin

Part 1 

Part 2

with best regards from Charlie Chaplin Silent Movies

Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy birthdays (122) Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin Google Doodle

Thanks Google & Youtube for the clip 

with best regards from Charlie Chaplin Silent Movies

Monday, April 4, 2011

Charlie Chaplin in his prehistoric past

 Charlie dreams he is in the Stone Age. There are low-brow King rules the harem of wives. Charlie falls in love with the favorite wife of King,. During a a hunting trip he pushs the King over thecliff. Charlie announce himself king, but Ku Ku finds the true king alive.

Director:Charlie Chaplin

Writer:Charlie Chaplin

Stars:Charlie Chaplin, Mack Swain and Gene Marsh

Part 1

Part 2

with best regards from Charlie Chaplin Silent Movies