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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Charlie Chaplin in easy street

Tramp becomes a policeman and he must confront the thugs in the city

Writers: Charlie Chaplin

Stars: Charlie Chaplin, Enda Purviance and Eric Campbel

Part 1

Part 2

with best regards from Charlie Chaplin Silent Movies

Charlie Chaplin in his new jop

Charlie is trying to work in cinema, and after problems occur, he asked to be as an assistant to the carpenterCharlie has the opportunity  to act after an absence of star but instead enters a dice game. When he does finally act he ruins the scene, wrecks the set and tears the skirt from the star.

Director: Charlie Chaplin 

Writer: Charlie Chaplin 

Stars: Charlie Chaplin, Ben Turpin and Charlotte Mineau

Part 1

Part 2

part 3

with best regards from Charlie Chaplin Silent Movies